Assisted Living Financing Surviving Financial Crises

All of us in modern urban society tend to be stereo typed and live a standard same life. Everybody is aggressive and wants to acquire academic qualifications and aim for a higher career growth. As soon as they take up jobs, they are very clear about where they are headed as well as their long term and short term goals.

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Read on for a number of constructive guidelines.

They are very clear on their goals and what they want out of life and try to focus on achieving them. To be better equipped they educate themselves on financial matters. Smart people understand that just with their salaries and savings they cannot create wealth. The find out in no time that to be able to create wealth, they need to invest wisely, take calculated risks and use opportunities that present themselves in the market. Hence they loose no time in understanding the stocks, mutual funds and other financial instruments for investments.

Almost ninety nine percent of the people save their first two years of salary and take a home loan at the first instance with twenty years of long tenure.

There are people who keep paying the monthly installments for the next twenty to thirty years without fail and manage a steady flow of funds and life. These people are no doubt disciplined, they are conservative in outlook and averse to risk taking.Beyond home loans they do not look at any other loans and wish to live a debt free life.

Yet another category of people are entrepreneurial in nature and are willing to invest in good, sound opportunities. As soon as they are married, their income gets doubled. With increase in income they change their planning horizon too. They may not plan to keep the home loan for a long time and evaluate options of foreclosure.

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Sometimes they go in for loan modification of their existing loans and increase the monthly installments and reduce the tenure. They can thereby save on interest and pay up the loan faster. Their planning horizon consists of going in for a second home on completion of their first home loan. They are smart enough to understand that once they buy good properties, the value of real estate is likely to increase in the coming years.

Then there are others who instead of closing the first home loan, continue to pay the monthly EMI and take on a addition loan covering their extra savings and thereby invest on a second property. There by they are able to retain their income tax benefits and not loose out.

Many people accumulate all the extra income they receive in the form of bonus, gifts, incentives, commission etc and use it to pay up the principle of the loan outstanding and go for loan modification. Banks would be willing to sit down and look at options of loan modifications or restructuring looking at their impeccable history of payments and their credit worthiness.

Banks would be eager to extend the second loan to such couples without having to loose on valuable customers. To be able to retain and grow the relationship, banks will walk an extra mile to reduce the interest, waive service fee and offer top up loan facilities too.

Such couples with their knowledge and smart planning coupled with discipline manage to acquire wealth and lead happy life.

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