Advice for Serving Customers on Twitter

While online marketers are all familiar with Twitter, not everyone realizes that it can be used for customer support aside from many other things. If you're running an online business, you should know that customer service is something you must consider a priority. This is one of the things that separates companies that are thriving from those who are struggling to survive. While Twitter is mainly known as a social site, many businesses are finding that it's also useful for customer service purposes. So if you want to use Twitter to provide customer support, what does this entail? You have to learn to see Twitter in a slightly different way if you want to make it part of your customer service. The following tips will show you how Twitter can be an important part of your customer service.

Understand the importance of using Twitter to listen to your customers. While this isn't very complicated, it's something not enough businesses remember. Aside from this, you must make good use out of what you're hearing from your customers. You should make it a point to follow not only your own customers on Twitter, but others who are good prospects and even competitors in your niche. You should learn how to spot the dominant trends and issues that are most vital to your business. You also have to be sure of how you would respond. To use Twitter for customer service, pay close attention to what's going on and identify what's most essential.

When someone has a problem that can't be solved on Twitter, you should email them directly or show them how to get in touch with you through the content and contact info on your site. It's important to leverage Twitter so completely that there are no holes in your customer service. Building some strong back and forth communication with people via Twitter is important.

It takes a long time to get used to receiving customer queries via Twitter but the effort really is worth it. It's important to focus on offering really good customer service. You want to offer more and better help to people than your competitors can offer.

To finish, be sure that both you are personally and immediately responding to any customer criticisms you receive. Individuals appreciate immediate attention. You can use Twitter to your benefit, if you wish to please your customers. By answering questions in a fast manner, customers will think highly of you. It will allow you to take care of issues faster, plus you will be more responsible. So, get to it at once and take care of your customers so they are not left hanging. The need for focused attention from you is the reason that they are sending you inquiries through Twitter. The tips we've shared with you here are just the tip of the iceberg. As you move forward and leverage Twitter for serving your customers, you'll see for yourself how useful it is. The kind of online business you run isn't that important; you need to start making the most of Twitter for your customer service as soon as possible. Keeping your customers happy needs to be your top priority. Understanding that Twitter is incredibly popular for sending questions, comments and even complaints should be all the push you need to hop onto the service and start using it to your advantage. So what's holding you back? Get up and put these tips and hints to work right now!

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