The Right All Natural Solution For Equine Skin Conditions


Similar to human bodies, horses must also confront to a lot of equine skin conditions which may have similar causes to human's skin diseases as well. Horses skin function as the covering of the muscles and tissues are usually prone to many insect bites just like mosquitoes that could give itchiness around and if left untreated will cause more severe problem to horses. There are some antiseptic the horses can have to be able to heal their particular problematic skin that the veterinary could really prescribed. It is best that the horses really should be checked by the veterinary to have the precise prescription for the best type of medicine that will be given to the horses though there could be some natural herbal remedies for the particular horse's skin problems which could be more effective and cheaper the drugs.


A few equine skin conditions that the horses could have could be due to some allergies due to some food which has been feed to them, it may also be because of some insect bites, as well as it may be hereditary and may be due to some internal illnesses that the horses may be having. There are some feeds for your horses that might not be good for some type of horses, when you get to buy feeds for the horses be sure that such feed doesn't have chemicals that causes allergies for the skin of the horses. You may ask the salesperson of such feed if it is okay for the type of horse you have. Horses may also be prone to insect bites especially if your horses are not clean, any types of insects may be attracted to the smell of your unclean horses.


You could be able to avoid equine skin conditions by some simple ways in which you can do for your horses such could be that you should look after the regular grooming for your horses, you may bath them daily so that insects will never be attracted to the type of smell they have. You have to also clean their stables regularly, apply some insect repellents in some corners which are prone for pests to inhabit, clean up stables and also clean surroundings can help you make your horses live healthily. Provide your horses the perfect kind of feeds so they can never have the allergies that some feeds can have, ask the vet for the type of vitamin that the horses may have to promote their immune system so that they will never be prone to skin diseases.

Natural Remedies

If you will not be able to prevent your horses from having the equine skin conditions it's wise that you need to know some natural remedies that you can give your horses that are less costly and also effective also. However, you need to let a veterinarian check your infected horses first to know if the skin condition they have can be healed by natural or herbal remedies or shall be cured with antibiotics for immediate healing processes in order to prevent from further infections. There are lots of herbs that could be utilized to effectively heal skin conditions for horses such as the echinacea, nettle, yarrow, hawthorn, dandelion, kelp, and borage are often flowering herbs which are too good at healing skin conditions and also strengthening immune system.

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