Copywriting Basics - Creating High-Impact Bullet Points in Your Copy

If you want to improve the performance of your copywriting, then it begins with evaluating your current strengths and weaknesses. For one thing, you have to use enough of white space and divide your content in the right places to make an impact.

Today we will focus on using bullet points because they are very powerful. These copy devices are very effective for conveying powerful product benefits. In this article, we will discuss only three strategies that will give your bullet points more power.

You have read sales letters and have no doubt seen the small image placed in front of each specific bullet. This can be a small image of a colorful dot or a tick, or anything that goes with your design. All graphics really are used in copy to break up the text and serve to catch the eyes of the reader. All sales letters are meant to sell, so you have to come across as a professional copywriter with the images you select. If you want, of course you can use the standard word processor bullet which is a simple black dot.

You can ans probably should use bold text in bullet points, but make sure it is not too much. Of course you want to attract attention to those things that are supposed to have a strong impact on the reader. So what you have to do is treat every letter on its own because they will be different, etc. Try it out when you've got a 5-6 bullet points mentioned in one section. Once you are finished, then you can always ask someone for their opinion about the overall look.

A lot of times people just fly right on by something, and you cannot let that happen. If you have ever seen indented bullets, then that proves our point, precisely.

If you want to learn how to get sales and conversions, then this has to be it. Don't let your bullet points get lost in the page, and the more simple you make your copy look, the better response you'll get. Never make things more difficult than they should be, and in fact they should never be like that.

If your sales copy has misplaced elements, then your reader will sense that intuitively. When you write your bullet points effectively, you'll find that the response will automatically increase. Once you know what needs to be done in bullets, then you will on your way to improving. The one thing about this is it takes time to really become grounded in it, and that is too much to task for some people. So now you have a better idea about writing great bullet points, and now it is up to you.

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